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VALE Environmental | Our Team | VALE Insurance Partners | FAQ
We write on behalf of a highly reputable Lloyd's syndicate, which is rated A (Excellent) by AM Best.
What classes of business are you targeting for consultants and contractors?
We are targeting small-to-medium sized risks within the environmental consultants and contractors market. We are specifically targeting environmental consulting firms performing a wide variety of environmental testing, analysis, assessments, and engineering services.
What classes of business are you targeting for standalone eil?
We are targeting a wide variety of facility types from multi-family residential properties to industrial manufacturing facilities. We can also package CGL and pollution coverage for environmental facilities - waste treatment and recycling operations.
Can you consider new and historic conditions coverage?
Yes, and we can also offer term lengths of up to seven years of qualifying insureds.
what risks do you not cover?
We do not offer EIL coverage for:
We do not offer coverage for:
- Oil and gas refineries
- Oil and gas transmission pipelines
- Oil and gas production wells
- Hazardous waste landfills
We do not offer coverage for:
- Oil and gas drilling contractors
- Geotechnical consultants and engineers (we can offer standalone CPL for this class)